Soheil Akbari, the founder of Tigon team, started to exercise the Kyo Kushin Karate, when he was 9 years old.
Traditional teaching methods, along with the empiric and unsuited exercises, while the trainers insisted on continuous exercises led to severe injury. Little by little, same as so many other athlete children, Soheil got tired of training and his favorite sport got bored.
This issue causes him to think about establishment of Tigon team.
Following we’ve noticed a part of his experiences and certificates:
Bachelor of Industrial Engineering
BA Degree: Physical Education & Sport Science
Master of Motor-Behavior
Instructor of physical education faculty of Tehran University – 2017
International instructor and coach of VERTIMAX Co. from USA
Instructor of federation of public sports (Pilates & TRX)
IRIB sport and health specialist; Radio Tehran, Sport channel & Channel 3
General conditioning coach of Iran National Academy of Olympic
International certificate of improving the fundamental movement skills of children – KID Do
EAA Aqua Fitness Instructor- Certified by the European Aquatic Association Committee
The kids’ Active play coach – Certified by Iran sport for all federation
Certificate of Pilates training (Grade B) - Sport for all federation
Certificate of Fitness training - Sport for all federation
National certificate of Training of Karate B grade - Iran Karate Federation
Certificate of Rugby coaching and Tag Rugby (kids Rugby) - Rugby Association
Certificate of sport massage proficiency- Iran Sport Medicine Federation
Certificate of Sport Rescuer – Iran Sport Medicine Federation
Certificate of Re-habitation via AQUA FITNESS – Iran Sport Medicine Federation
Certificate of attendance in international events of resistance exercises and body fitness for kids – Association of resistance exercises
Certificate of BLS (Basic Life Support) - Iran Sport Medicine Federation
Certificate of kids motor skills’ evaluation proficiency- Research Institute of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
Attending in resistance exercises and body fitness event for kids – Association of resistance exercises