Specialized team of kids & junior sports game
The story of Tigon Team is being started through a concern.
The concern was the lack of a piece of puzzle of health; by which, the problems regarding our dear kids’ health will less, if can not completely solve.
Let’s talk clearer.
Mr. Soheil Akbari, the founder of Tigon team, started to exercise the Kyo Kushin Karate, when he was 9 years old. Traditional teaching methods, along with the empiric and unsuited exercises, while the trainers insisted on continuous exercises led to severe injury.
Little by little, same as so many other athlete children, Soheil got tired of training and his favorite sport got bored.
After a while, the destructive effects of high-pressure empiric exercises were appeared on various parts of his body.
This issue was mostly occupied Soheil’s mind. If you’d like to know more detail, click on his name to get more familiar with him and the path he took to train the Tigon professional kids sport team.
An important issue that I aimed to describe you here, is Tigon team launched to improve our kids “physical literacy”.
What does physical literacy mean?
Put simply, physical literacy is the skills, motivation, confidence and knowledge to be active.
Lets’ more clarify.
Well, the fact is that Iranian children – alongside children from across the world – are spending more time playing indoors and on screens than outdoors and in the park, garden, courtyard…
We’ve designed the plays for children (aged 3-15 years) matches to their age and physical strength and provide them with the opportunity of exercising under supervision of experienced, well trained and academics trainers.
As a result, we will develop the children basic building blocks of movement, without suffering them with the high pressure and non suited exercises which also can be stressful.
May be you’re interested to know that mere mobility is not enough. When we talk about physical literacy, must consider the combination of skills include running, throwing, kicking, catching, jumping and balancing.
The challenge now is designing the plays for children. The active plays which not only develop these skills, but eagerly encourage them to be physically active, while enjoying the exercises. By this way, they will follow the physical activities regularly.
Most probably, that’s the reason to describe the Physical Literacy as “Lessons that Last a Lifetime”.
Tigon policy
Of course, the Tigon curriculum are more than above mentioned. The kid who subscribed in Tigon class, would be a member of Tigon family. we’ve planned him/her to paly, exercise and socialize with peers, while monitoring by the coaches who skilled with psychology and physical education. That’s the reason Tigon has been selected as the best sport start up of 2020.
The “HEALTHY COMMUNITY” is our concern and believes the healthy community would be achieved by happy and active children.
Precisely what TIGON TEAM is here to do.